Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one caregiving ministry. Stephen Ministry does not provide counseling. A Stephen Minister is a congregational member who is recruited, selected, trained, commissioned, and supervised by Stephen Leaders to provide one-to-one Christian care to persons in need on behalf of the congregation. Persons are assigned one care receiver at a time and meet with that person for about one hour each week. If you would like to become a Stephen Minister or if you are in need of a Stephen Minister please contact us at

GriefShare is a support group consisting of 13 sessions that meets weekly. The groups are facilitated by a Stephen Minister(s) and/or trained volunteers. Our goal, after completion of the 13 sessions, is that the participant has acquired the tools to lead them into healing whole (from the inside out).
The three key parts to your GriefShare experience:
- Biblically based videos narrated by grief recovery experts.
- Support group discussions in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
- Workbook to reflect and capture the tools provided during the sessions.
Potential participants, please register online via Each participant is asked to pay $25 which covers the workbook and supplemental materials. Each session is held on Saturday’s, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Group Facilitators: Sis. Cecelia Vann and Sis. Linda Stith.