Listed below are a few resources that can assist you in connecting to the right source here at Reid Temple.
Prayer & Pastoral Support
Be assured that all prayer and Pastor Support requests are kept sacred. If you need further contact, please be sure to leave your contact information in the prayer request area below. Thank you for choosing to entrust your prayer requests to Reid Temple AME Church.

Bereavement & Soul Care
If Spiritual Grief Counseling is desired, GriefShare and the Stephen’s Ministry is available through Reid Temple.

Financial Assistance
The Queen Jefferson Women's Missionary Society is the ministry through which Reid Temple financially supports members in crisis. This support can be in the form of food cards, mortgage, and rental payments as well as utilities. To qualify for financial support, you must be a member in *regular and good standing. Members must complete a Financial Assessment Needs Form and submit supporting documentation. Members are also required to sign a Missionary Financial Counseling Agreement and to attend a Financial Counseling Session. Failure to submit this agreement will impact future assistance.
*What identifies you as a member in regular and good standing? A member in good and regular standing regularly attends worship, contributes regularly to the support of the gospel, the Church, its benevolent enterprises and the poor, and to give of one’s time and talents to the various ministries of the Church.
All forms can be picked up in Room 1071 and placed in the black box or downloaded and emailed to Forms must be completed and returned with supporting documentation.