Prayer Wall

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

You pray for me; I'll pray for you. And we will watch God change things. The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing—continually praying from the heart, living with God in our heart and mind, giving thanks for all things, and relying on Him for strength.

We believe in the power of prayer. Whether you need a physical healing, a prayer of safe travels for an upcoming trip, or you are going through a challenging time and just need encouragement, we will pray for you. This prayer wall was designed for members of the Beloved Community to request prayers or to share their praise reports publicly. Once you post your prayer, others will see it and begin to pray. They even have an option to click a button to let you know they are praying for you.

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matthew 21:22). 

Prayed for 2 Times
Good morning, Could you please pray for my son Max to be blessed with a job, healing for myself and my other son as well as a financial breakthrough for my family. Also, please pray that my friend LaShon will be able to get caught up with her rent payments. Thank you and God bless you.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 31, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 1 Times
Good morning, Could you please pray for my son Max to be blessed with a job, healing for myself and my other son as well as a financial breakthrough for my family. Also, please pray that my friend LaShon will be able to get caught up with her rent payments. Thank you and God bless you.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 31, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Barbara Yearwood
Prayed for 6 Times
Good health and safety for my husband, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and myself. Peace on Earth End of violence, carjackings, robberies, and murders Homes for the homeless and food for the hungry Good Government Leaders who seek God first and lead all the people without bias. Everyone will be saved
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 6, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Valerie Douglas
Prayed for 3 Times
Please pray for my mother-in-love Ethel Douglas for healing from her blood clots.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 6, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Valerie Douglas
Prayed for 4 Times
Please pray for a miracle for my daughter Nicole Rogers to be healed from kidney disease.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 6, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 4 Times
I pray for healing for my body. I also pray for prosperity in my finances. I pray a hedge of protection over my family.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 4, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Shelia Caldwell
Prayed for 3 Times
Requesting prayer on behalf of my sister, Lesha Wilson. She needs deliverance in a mighty way from alcoholism and the people she hangs with. She has just been blessed with a fully furnished apartment after years of homelessness. I fear her drinking and the people will cause her to lose her health and her apartment. She also suffers from depression and low self esteem. She was violently raped and still suffers from the psychological effects. Her drinking has negatively impacted her relationship with her adult children. She believes in God and has accepted Jesus as her Savior, but she needs deliverance so she can accept him as her Lord. Thanking God in advance for her deliverance.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 4, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Mary A Robinson
Prayed for 3 Times
Prayer for my Son. Corey Lee Robinson, He is in Prison and the judge refuse to admit they're wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, due to a fragile ego. We have call Lawyer now it have been 13 years, Please put my only On Prayer list. Corey Lee Robinson
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 3, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 3 Times
Prayers are requested my brother who recently had a life change due to a health condition which now requires the use of medication daily.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 3, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 4 Times
Prayers are requested for my aunt who recently suffered a health challenge and is currently in a rehabilitation center.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 3, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 4 Times
Prayers are solicited for my mother who is dealing with health challenges and recurrent disease over the last 17 years. I pray for her healing and strength on this side of glory; and also, for God to continue to strengthen and sustain her to complete the most basic of daily activities.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 3, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 4 Times
I pray for peace in this world, healing for our minds bodies and spirit. A job for my child closer to home.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 3, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Shelia Caldwell
Prayed for 5 Times
Requesting prayer on behalf of my sister, Lesha Wilson. She needs deliverance in a mighty way from alcoholism and the people she hangs with. She has just been blessed with a fully furnished apartment after years of homelessness. I fear her drinking and the people will cause her to lose her health and her apartment. She also suffers from depression and low self esteem. She was violently raped and still suffers from the psychological effects. Her drinking has negatively impacted her relationship with her adult children. She believes in God and has accepted Jesus as her Savior, but she needs deliverance so she can accept him as her Lord. Thanking God in advance for her deliverance.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 3, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 4 Times
Please pray that I receive justice at work because or discrimination and retaliation. Also that I receive enough financial resources to retire. Thank you.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 2, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 5 Times
Requesting prayers for an upcoming surgery to remove something in my body. Praying that it is benign. Praying for a successful procedure, recovery and restoration.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 2, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Antonia Hamlin
Prayed for 5 Times
Pray for my husband who had knee surgery but had medical complications. I need prayer as a caretaker with anxiety & stress.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 1, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Elinor Baisden-Stephens
Prayed for 5 Times
Please pray for healing for my sister Annabelle Baisden-Young who has been undergoing chemotherapy and other treatment for multiple myeloma. Also pray for strength and comfort for my family who suffered the loss of my daughter Naila, on March,13, 2023 Thank you for your prayers and may the Lord grant us His peace.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 1, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 5 Times
Heavenly Father, I come to you today to give thanks for loving me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. For providing me with the strength to carry on during the trials and tribulations that have stumbled across my path. For it is because of your love that I am made whole. It is because of your grace that I am forgiven. I pray for my fellow brothers and sisters who have strayed away from your love due to their anger, pain, or feelings of unworthiness. May their hearts know peace. May their hearts seek you in their dark times and be reminded of the power that you have granted through your mightiness. May those who are struggling with mental illness be healed. We thank you for all that we are because we are your children. Allow our hearts to be larger than our eyes when we look to our neighbors. Help me to honor you in all ways in ALL of my days. In Jesus name, I pray. AMEN.
Prayer Request Submitted on Mar 1, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 8 Times
I’m praying God will open the eyes of understanding of my children and grandchildren and they’ll draw closer to Him and learn to trust, believe and serve Him. In the name of Jesus I pray!
Prayer Request Submitted on Feb 8, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Varche Washington
Prayed for 6 Times
Praise the Lord...Father God I am in need of prayer regarding my job, my Health . I have thyroid issue and had surgery in 2015 but I want good to heal me from these issues … Father God I pray for a new position as the Dupty court administrator .. Father God please bless me with the necessary tools to be successful for the position of you see fit this is where I’m supposed to be in my career.. Amen
Prayer Request Submitted on Feb 5, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!