Prayer Wall

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

You pray for me; I'll pray for you. And we will watch God change things. The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing—continually praying from the heart, living with God in our heart and mind, giving thanks for all things, and relying on Him for strength.

We believe in the power of prayer. Whether you need a physical healing, a prayer of safe travels for an upcoming trip, or you are going through a challenging time and just need encouragement, we will pray for you. This prayer wall was designed for members of the Beloved Community to request prayers or to share their praise reports publicly. Once you post your prayer, others will see it and begin to pray. They even have an option to click a button to let you know they are praying for you.

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matthew 21:22). 

DeAngela Rich
Prayed for 4 Times
I am asking for special prayer for my husband Daniel Williams. He has a clogged artery and may need a heart stent. The procedure is 2/7/2024 this Wednesday. He is in need of total healing and recovery.
Prayer Request Submitted on Feb 4, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Peggy Haley
Prayed for 6 Times
Praise the Lord...Father God I am in need of prayer regarding my job. I am just trying to work two more years and my bosses are great. I hired an assistant white and about 26 yrs old. Her name is Sarah Ferguson. She has totally been giving me grief, not hostile but not satisfied with her salary she just made a year of service. I do not have anything to do with salary, my regional manager does not have anything to do with salary. I gave her a journal to write and asked if she prays. She is having issues with her live-in companion. Many times she complains of the area etc etc. I had someone speak to her and they suggested she get a mentor. She says she wants more money does not have any degrees but really has a down attitude. SHe expressed that to our manager stating she may have to relocate and they expressed thats fine thank you for working for us. My prayer is she relocates and finds another job successfully and safe so I can have peace of mind and hire the right person. We all realize $20 hourly is not a lot due to rents being so expensive. I just want to retire nicely without a lot of inhouse dissatisfaction and for the Lord to move her in the right direction for safety, satisfaction and success. In the name of Jesus, Amen
Prayer Request Submitted on Feb 2, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Angela Johnson
Prayed for 8 Times
Father God, thank You for Your son Jesus in my life. Please increase my "Godfidence" in You. I have anxiety around my late husband's family and my identity to them. When I am around some of them they make me feel invisible. Please help me concentrate on my own wonderful family and friends who are helping me through my grief. Stop my mind from chasing people who do not have my interests in their hearts. Help me with my anxiety and low self esteem. Even in my advanced age it followed me from childhood trauma. Please help me with the talent You have given me. I love you Lord, thank You for all blessings to everyone. Amen
Prayer Request Submitted on Jan 22, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 8 Times
I ask God to please allow my elderly mother access and approval of Medicaid (Medical Assistance) program benefits in the very near future. This request for the Lord to intercede on her behalf is of extreme importance to her and myself in regards to finances associated with her care. I pray everyday to God for such a blessing because she is low income in need of assistance from state government.
Prayer Request Submitted on Jan 19, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Rosemary Busby
Prayed for 9 Times
Iam starting the year off my joining a church that i have been attending for quite sometime.Please keep me in prayer on my journey.I need to get myself together.Also keep Mr.and Mrs.K Cooper in prayer also,the enemy is busy coming into marriage. Raleigh,NC
Prayer Request Submitted on Jan 9, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Alleen Rattigan
Prayed for 14 Times
Pray that my friend David Hall will get through his surgery and that there will be no sign of cancer when everything is over.
Prayer Request Submitted on Jan 1, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 9 Times
Lord I humble myself before you on this day, the first day of a new year signifying rebirth and renewal. I desire financial freedom and ask that you guide me to discipline myself, align my spending habits with your will, grow stronger in tithing. In doing so, be drawn closer to you. Whatever binds me, let it be released. I no longer want to live with a mindset of scarcity. I no longer want to carry a “survival” mindset. I desire to provide for my family comfortably. You are the consummate provider and continue to bless me exceedingly and abundantly. I am believing 2024 to bring about the change not that I seek but that you seek in me. Lord have your way. Amen!
Prayer Request Submitted on Jan 1, 2024
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Brandon Powell
Prayed for 10 Times
Dear Heavenly Father, We come before you today to lift up our dear friend and church member who is in need of your divine intervention. Lord, you know the desires of their heart, and we pray that you would open doors of opportunity for them as they seek to pursue their dreams of a career in the food industry. We ask that you bless their efforts to find a job and provide for their financial needs. We pray that the disability scholarships they are waiting for would come through, and that they would be granted favor and success in all their endeavors. Lord, we trust in your promises that you will never leave us nor forsake us. We pray that you would guide them in their decisions and provide them with wisdom and discernment as they pursue their education and career goals. We also lift up the job opportunities that are before them. We pray that you would grant them the positions that are best suited for their skills and talents. May these jobs be sources of fulfillment, growth, and joy. Thank you for your love and care for each of us. We trust in your provision and seek to follow your will for our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.
Prayer Request Submitted on May 4, 2023
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Mr. B
Prayed for 7 Times
Dear God, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled mind. I want to rebuke all the demons that are in my life, whether they're affecting me mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, or spiritually. I ask that you cast them out of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ. I know that you have the power to do so, and I trust in your love and mercy. I also want to pray for my new business partner, Johnny. I rebuke every spirit of manipulation, every attack on his mind, emotions, spirit, and finances. I ask that you protect him from any harm and guide him towards the path of righteousness. Lord, I pray that you help us to build something that's not only for the kingdom, but also by the kingdom. May our work glorify you and serve your people. May we be an example of your grace and love, and may we bring hope and healing to those around us. I ask all these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Prayer Request Submitted on May 4, 2023
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Mr. B
Prayed for 4 Times
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today to humbly ask for your divine intervention in my life. I pray for your guidance and blessings as I embark on a new business venture with another individual named Johnny. Please help us to perceive our work in a way that is pleasing to you and aligns with your will. Lord, I also ask for your grace and mercy to be upon my family. Grant them the patience and understanding to support me as I pursue my dreams and goals. Please give me the strength and self-control to manage my emotions, particularly my anger, so that it does not harm or push away those who are dear to me. I trust in your loving kindness and believe that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think. Thank you for hearing my prayer and for being with me every step of the way. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer Request Submitted on May 4, 2023
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 6 Times
Lord, i want to thank you for the abundance of your grace and mercy. I want to thank you for never counting me out even when I’ve turned my back and chose to stay ignorant/disobedient. For consistently welcoming me back in with open arms and reminding me that I am YOURS, regardless of my past! Father, I ask in this moment that you reveal purpose in the lives of not just myself but for every individual who may be unclear of what it is you would have them to do! Lord, not only am I asking that you use me as a vessel for your will and your kingdom, but also provide me with the strength and resources to overcome the struggles of this world. Lord, make your word as clear as day and take your rightful place as the head of my life! In all these things, I ask. Amen!
Prayer Request Submitted on May 4, 2023
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!
Prayed for 12 Times
Lord, we are here to stand in the gap for our land before you. We confess our sin of putting our own will above Yours, which You have laid out in Your Word. Forgive us for losing sight of being Your body to the world. Purify our hearts. We pray for a national revival and spiritual healing. Please heal our land. We pray for Your peace and blessing to be poured out upon our nation according to Your mercy.
Prayer Request Submitted on May 3, 2023
Praise the Lord, this prayer has been answered!